An Irish Atlantic Rainforest

Beautiful nature writing combined with a passionate appeal for a radically changed relationship to our environment, from the man behind Ireland’s temperate rainforest on the Wild Atlantic Way.


Climate Worrier

Bestselling author Colm O’Regan is a worrier. A professional one. Caution is his watchword. Risk aversion is his love language. Now Colm is grappling with the biggest worry of all: the whole ‘planet being on fire’ thing and how exactly we can help.


The Female Factor

The male body has always been the default body in clinical medicine, making the assumption that women are just smaller versions of men. This could not be more wrong.

This bold, comprehensive guide to understanding women’s health shakes up the narrative for women of all ages. The Female Factor provides methods to protect and maximise your health in positive, affirming steps.


The Homemade Year

Lilly Higgins is the ultimate modern homemaker. Here she shares over 70 things to make, do and eat at home to welcome every season. Reflecting the Irish calendar, from St Brigid’s crosses in February to Christmas wreaths in December, The Homemade Year will help you move gently through the months and make everyday moments special.


Still Points

In an uncertain world, we all seek a sense of security and inner peace. In Still Points: A Guide to Living the Mindful Meditative Way shows us how to achieve this, simply by following a daily spiritual practice. In doing so, we enter into a deep connection to sacred stillness, revealing to us the beauty within the present moment.


What Every Woman Needs To Know About Her Gut

Two-thirds of people with IBS or other gut problems are women – if you are one of them, this book tells you what you need you to know and EXACTLY what you need to do.

Professor Barbara Ryan and Elaine McGowan, RD, are The Gut Experts  and have treated over 60,000 patients with every kind of digestive condition and nutritional requirement. They are bringing their expertise and insights to you in this easy-to-digest book.

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